
[.A Hunting We Will Go.]

.This last weekend the girls were invited to go hunting with the guys.

Lance and I drove up to Strawberry after a viewing Friday night.  We pulled up and saw Russ and Margaret all bundled up sitting by the fire.  As we were in our church clothes we got out of the car to go over and talk with them for a minute, sitting there I realized how freezing cold I was standing there in a skirt!!  As cold as I was I didn't feel like waiting for Diet and Myrna to come open their trailer to change!! It was way to cold for that! So yes, I went to our trunk, pulled out my sweats, and changed!! Good thing it was dark!!  
Everyone else showed up a little bit later.

Tim and Kamie shared their new "hornet" trailer for the weekend and let Lance and I & Matt and Tori stay with them.  The first night was the perfect temperature while Matt and Tori roasted sleeping over the heat vent, and the second night we froze in the meat locker cause the heat stopped working! (which is supposedly the reason the guys didn't get up to go hunting in the morning, cause it was too cold to get out of bed.  I think the real reason is they just wait to shoot something til the last day so they can continue keep going.) Anyway, isn't that just how life always is!?!  None the less, I'm still grateful to have had a place to sleep besides our tent for this trip!  

Do you think the Fischer boys know how to be quiet?!?
..Well let's see..
Getting ready to go hunting way before the sun is up
the girls are still sleeping
boys talking much louder than needed
stepping on mattresses to get across to trailer
Do they realize that we are sleeping??? Probably not.
It's called consideration gentlemen:)
{We still love you though}

 .They needed a lunch time snack before going out again.

.Yes this really happened.
 The next night was even better.  We brought the chairs and the TV around the camp fire to watch the football games.  

What kind of life to these men live while "hunting"?
..Let's set the scene..
{Camp fires}
 {Football games} 
[out around the camp fire]
{Wake up to go hunting - not to work}

{Good food - and lots of it} 
-Thanks to the cooks-

Here was my hunting experience as Lance and I hiked up the mountain to try and find some deer.  But before we hiked up the mountain, we had to cross a dam to get to the mountain.  Can I say how excited I was!?!  Lance has boots on.. I have tennis shoes on! We're talking about walking over TWIGS here!!  Well I was very surprised, these twigs are much stronger than I thought!  They held me up to cross the water!  The hard part was kicking down the trees that were in my way with my left foot, balancing on the twigs with my right foot, hoping I don't sink into the mud and get stuck, and hoping I don't fall into that cold water!  Well, I made it across!  Then we started our hiking journey to try and find a deer (during the worst time to even see one).  Yeah, we didn't see one.  We went and sat down by the waterhole for a bit then left back to camp when it started getting windy.

Sorry Diet I left your hat down by the waterhole, I owe ya one!

.By the waterhole.


[.Happy Birthday Lance!]

Yesterday Lance and I were able to have the day off to be able to enjoy Lance's birthday together.  I had so many plans for him! (I don't really think I'm that creative, but yesterday I felt proud of myself:)  Anyway .. I stayed up late Monday night trying to get a couple things done and finishing up some ideas for Lance's birthday.  I went to the store and grabbed some paper, glue and Double mint gum.  I made sure to buy masculine colors like dark greens, blues and browns .. because I'm sure Lance would have otherwise loved the pink and purples ones ;).  So I cut circles out of the papers and made him 13 fortune cookies (I was going to do 21 but I couldn't come up with that many fortunes!).  I had little sayings in the fortune cookies that said things like
"You will receive many surprises today"
"You will receive 21 unexpected kisses"
"You will receive 2 gifts"
..things like that...

.I left a couple other things around the house for him to find.

 I thought that the normal wrapping paper was so original, so I tried to come up with a different way to wrap his presents.  I took some pictures of us and put them into a "pencil sketch" mode and blew them up so they were big enough to wrap presents with.  This was the main box that had 7 other gifts inside of it {all individually wrapped}.


 Since the first fortune said "You will receive one gift", he could only open the one box to start with and I left him anticipating what the rest were!

[He would ask almost every half hour, "can I open another fortune?"]

His parents took us out to lunch for our birthday's (mine is in a couple weeks so we just combined them both:).  We went to Sigfried's German Restaurant in Salt Lake.  It was delicious, we had both been craving it for a while now so it was a nice surprise!  Thank you Diet and Myrna! We love you guys!

Kevin invited family over to celebrate Lance's bit TWO-ONE and for cake and ice cream!  I'm pretty sure this might have been his favorite gift!?!


Well, there ya have it..  It was the first birthday that I have actually been able to do things for him that I've always wanted to.  Other years he lived away from me, so I couldn't ever do first of the morning gifts!  I may only be like this for this birthday, but who knows.. I may get creative again!
P.S. again :


It was our first experience buying our own car together.  Everyone was so nice and willing to help with us.  Well, besides the financial guy at the end.  Go figure!  The financial one the one to satisfy the customer?  I think not, those greedy people!  But, it worked out and we were able to get exactly what we wanted!!!


[.Things lately and a little suprise.]

Last week was my brother Jake's Homecoming week at school.  He had been nominated for 1st Attendant Royalty at Layton High School!  (Being said that he has only been at this school for a year, went to Davis High before, and the Royalty King was the star quarter back of the football team .. I'd say Jake made it pretty well!)  He asked me a while back if I would escort him down the aisle during his homecoming assembly.  I was very scared [being that I was the shy quiet one in high school] that I'd have to walk down an aisle in front of the entire auditorium full of high school students.  Well, Monday morning came along.  I realized something though as I was sitting in the assembly waiting to walk down .. I realized that I didn't need to be nervous, 1 - because .. well hello, it's just high school students 2 - because I probably really won't ever see them again and 3 -  who cares!!??!!

I am glad that I was able to escort him down the aisle.  I felt special being the only sister that escorted the other attendants.  Other escorts were cousins and nieces.
As we were almost to the end I heard someone yell my name [between all the people yelling at Jake telling them how much they love him, it was weird to hear my name].  It was a girl that works with me at Paces.  So I felt a little special knowing that someone knew me too not just my brother.

[I know, I realize this is the absolute worst picture I could put on here, but I only had my mom's phone! So that was the camera we used!  Sorry it's so bad!]

Jake was also in the half time show of the Homecoming football game.  I have pictures of that as well, just on my camera that isn't with me at the moment.

Friday night and Saturday morning were dreadful.  It seemed as if Lance and I basically disagreed on almost everything.  We do have our disagreements, but we get over them quickly.  These two times felt like our disagreements just kept coming.  But I realized later that day as to why this kept happening.  Saturday morning came along and we had both been invited to my cousin's wedding ceremony in the Salt Lake Temple.  I realized as we were driving to the temple that Satan always tries to make us angry and impatient before going to the Temple.  So I had decided, "Okay, calm down and enjoy the rest of the day."  And that I did.  I've only been to a few wedding ceremonies since Lance and I have been married, and I must say this one last Saturday was one of the best ones I have been to yet.  It may have been the longest one I've been to, but by far the best and  I know there will be many more to come!  I love being able to go and relax, enjoy and be reminded of what is tought.  Our wedding day was nice to, there were just other things we both had on our minds!  It was nice to be able to spend time with Kevin's side of the family this last weekend with family we don't get to see very often besides holidays and birthdays!

By the way, it's Lance's birthday is tomorrow!! I have many surprises for him!!  Well, just a couple, but I'm hoping they all go as planned!

[P.S. I'm pretty sure we're finally getting a car tonight!!!!! I can't wait!]

[.Story of my life.]

He never leaves the seat up.
I trained him well you know.
He likes to think he's got me trained,
And I let him think that's so.

He romances me and dines me.
Home cooked dinner and a rose.
He even knows what bothers me,
Never EVER suck my toes!

Sex? That's a private thing.
Let's just say I'm satisfied.
I'm sure the neighbors hear our screams,
And feel just SO gratified!

I love it when he looks at me,
With that sexy grin upon his face.
In 50 years will he look that good
When his dentures aren't in place?!?

He says he loves my body,
And my intelligence too.
I wonder if when gravity starts,
Will I make up with my IQ?

He loves the way I laugh,
And my dimples ... in all cheeks!
I simply adore the way he loves me.
No matter how bad my defeats.

I couldn't say I'd find better,
Because he is my match.
Perfectly we go together,
Both in and out of sack!

He's more than just my husband,
He's also my best friend.
I'm more than just his wife,
I'm his "nagger" to the end

He's not exactly perfect,
But who am I to judge?
He's a little more rational,
Where as I won't even budge.

I say that I'm right.
He says, "You just think you are."
I insist that I know am!
He says, "No dear, not by far."

His long term memory is going fast.
He'll turn 82 and forget his life.
He'll think we just 'met' again one day,
And he'll ask me to be his wife.

Even though I'll have to laugh,
So gladly I'd say yes.
Besides, who else would marry me,
After putting up with all those tests?

-Stephanie Moran