
[.we are registered.]

for our first half marathon

we bought new running shoes

we took our first run
(up and down the mountain not to mention)

and about died

good thing we are training.

ps - we'd love cheer leaders :)
june 11

4 {leave some love}:

*Jenna* said...

Yay! This makes me so excited! haha I will be there to cheer you on! Promise! ;)

Mandy and Lorin said...

I'm totally cheering you on!! Good for you guys!

The Carters said...

Oh sheesh. Brett and I are running Ragnar this year and just starting training too. I keep telling him he is probably going to have to carry me...Good luck with your race!

Kristen said...

yay! you will be so happy you did this! wish we lived closer, we would love to run with you and lance.