
[.Meet Rudy.]

We probably should have named him Marley!  He was my late Valentines Day present :)  He is a crazy little pup with so much energy and attitude who loves to CHEW!!!  We love him already!  He is a pure black lab and was 8 weeks old when he bought him on Thursday.

Right before his first bath!

At least he still loved me afterwards!

He already knows how to sit and pound it!  Lance spoils him to death - he bought him this funky duck that seriously cracks me up, and Rudy loves it!  These first few nights have been exhausting.  He is definitely a newborn.  But his cuteness SO makes up for his lack of sleep during the night.  His first love was Pig Ears and now he is also loving his new huge fluffy bed.  I'm sure it won't be too huge for him for long.  He's already growing!

3 {leave some love}:

Kristen said...

Oh my heck he is so cute! Makes me want another dog...

Marcizzle said...

good luck with a lab. We had one for only 3 weeks because I couldn't handle the chewing.

Sara said...

Cute cute! If I had our house in Richmond I would have a dog too!