
[.a little bit of something is better than alot of nothing.]

Last weekend my mom took Jenna, Lance and I to go see Just Go With It.  I loved it!  And so did Lance, so that was a plus!  I pretty much laughed the entire time.

We also went up to Richmond to Randy and Jenny's to watch Brad's last basketball game.  It was awesome to see so many 7 year olds running around on the court.  Afterwards we went to pizza plus then all around town to a couple stores.  We got rudy some new dog food, a collar, some vaccinations and his favorite - a pig ear.  I also wanted to buy a Skookie maker but Jenny offered to get me a better deal the next day - so thank you Jenny!! :)

After dinner the boys finished the snowman that Brad and his friends started.  Of course they had to go all out!

Yes they used a ladder and all!

Just this last weekend I used my Skookie and Jenna and I made a couple FH'zookies!

They were decadant! Mm!

Also, I bought my first pair of skinny jeans.  Yes it IS blog worthy! 

0 {leave some love}: