
[.i'm addicted.]

...for now...

3 {leave some love}:

Sara said...

Maybe it is just cause I am pregnant but all I can taste is Yogurt! I may have to try another one when I am not pregnant!

Brandon and Alexa Leishman said...

I've heard those are so yummy! i'm going to have to try one.. I'm not the biggest McDonalds fan.. But those do look like they are good. I love the commercial, the girl that is drinking it, doesn't even let it go in her mouth, she sucks it up to her lips and holds it and then lets it down, I think they need to make them drink it.. Its so funny when they TRY to make it look legit!

Brandon and Alexa Leishman said...

Sorry... Don't mean to second post.. BUT wanted to answer your question! :) YES!!!! Flaming Gorge! :) I'm excited!!!!!

Can you tell??