
[.I can ride my bike with no handle bars.]

Finally!  We've finally given in to buy one!
We were looking for bikes around February and March to look for deals on road bikes.  But decided to wait until next year, well doesn't look like that happened.
We went Friday night to look at this one, and told the guy we wanted it.
Saturday morning we met him at his house to follow him to the bank.
So basically, we rode this thing all day yesterday showing our family and friends.

We were going to head to the raptors baseball game for the night.  But from riding all day in the hot heat a nice air conditioned theater just sounded so much better than sitting in the hot sun!  So we went with my parents, ty & brooke, and jake & jenna and her mom to see Toy Story 3, then rode back home.  On the way home we saw Farmington Day's fireworks.  So it was pretty cool to watch them basically the whole bike ride home.
Can't wait for the ride with Lance's siblings and parents tonight!

1 {leave some love}:

Jenny said...

Love the new bike. Makes Randy drool. He is totally jealous.